Photos of the Week - Around Lake Harriet

November 07, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Wow!  I knew it has been a while since I last posted something but truly didn't realize it has been over a month.  Sorry about that.

I really haven't done much shooting in the past month, though.  Just two trips to Lake Harriet.  The first one was getting together with a couple of people in my photo club and the second (yesterday) was partly because the weather was incredibly gorgeous and also because there were some subjects I had spotted on my last visit that I needed to reshoot.

Here's the highlight from the first trip.  Right as we entered the Bird Sanctuary, I heard a woodpecker tapping away.  Looking around I spotted this little guy.  I shot 50-100 images, moving around a bit, getting different angles.  This is pretty much the only one that is decent.

Downy WoodpeckerDowny WoodpeckerClick to Purchase

The rest of these images are from yesterday.

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I had spotted this dead tree on the last visit, but didn't get any good shots.  I really like the shapes and textures.

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This one was basically next to the the previous shot.  Maybe I'll say it's inspired by Georgia O'Keefe.

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What I like in this image is the different layers and types of decaying tree/stumps.  It really shows the theme of death and rebirth that I find inherent in the subject.


Next are a couple of wildlife rareties.  The first is an albino squirrel (it ran away just as I got to where it is, so this is the best I managed to capture) and the other is a very red gray squirrel (a color variant I haven't come across before).

Red Gray SquirrelRed Gray SquirrelClick to Purchase

And finally, due to the end of daylight savings, it was getting dark as I left, so I snapped several shots and merged them into this final panorama.

Lake Harriet SunsetLake Harriet SunsetContact me about prints


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