2018 - Photo Year in Review

December 31, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Hi all,

It's time again for my annual review of my favorite photos of the past year.  And this year it is really kinda hard to put this together since, for the most part, I didn't get a huge number of new subjects.  Rather, I've added to assorted collections and ongoing projects.

For a long time, I've had a weird fascination with dead trees.  I've found the way they decay can be beautiful, and the way new life can flourish on top of them can be inspiring.  So, I'll start things off with some of the tree stumps/dead limbs that I added this year. 

Stump-scapeStump-scapeClick to purchase

Mushrooms in dead treeMushrooms in dead treeClick to Purchase

Tree StumpTree StumpClick to Purchase

Knotty BranchKnotty BranchClick to Purchase

Stump with ReflectionsStump with ReflectionsClick to Purchase

While I generally don't try (or appreciate) black and white photography, I did come across a couple subjects that seemed like they would work well.

Cactus tipCactus tipClick to Purchase

Water Hemlock in black and whiteWater Hemlock in black and whiteClick to Purchase

I was also able to add a couple new and interesting dragonfly photos to my collection

Four-spotted SkimmerFour-spotted SkimmerClick to Purchase

Green Darners MatingGreen Darners MatingClick to Purchase

Black Saddlebags DragonflyBlack Saddlebags DragonflyClick to Purchase

For the most part, though, I think this was a year for the birds.  While the only new one I captured was a trumpeter swan, I did get some shots of familiar birds in ways I never thought I would.

Trumpeter SwanTrumpeter SwanClick to Purchase

Red-Winged Blackbird chickRed-Winged Blackbird chickClick to Purchase

GoslingsGoslingsClick to Purchase

EgretEgretClick to Purchase

EgretEgretClick to Purchase

Great Blue Heron with fish -1Great Blue Heron with fish -1Click to Purchase Great Blue Heron with fish -1Great Blue Heron with fish -1Click to Purchase

Ring-Billed Gull with FishRing-Billed Gull with FishClick to Purchase

Wood DuckWood DuckClick to Purchase Wood DuckWood DuckClick to Purchase

Barn Swallow FledglingBarn Swallow FledglingClick to Purchase


So, those are some of the highlights from this year.  Hope you enjoyed them.  And here's wishing you a new year of joyful surprises and unexpected beauty.


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